Please note that this consultant does not offer direct consultations to patients. Other consultants may refer to them to seek their expertise in your treatment.

Professional background

Jamie Smart is a consultant anaesthetist at UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, and is deputy clinical lead for the anaesthetic department and chair of the opioid stewardship committee for the Trust.

He studied medicine at Leicester University and trained in anaesthesia at Leicester University and UCLH. His main interests are pain management, including acute, chronic and cancer pain and anaesthesia for upper GI and endocrine surgery, including paeochromocytoma. He is 'point of contact' for all visitors to the anaesthetic department.

Research interests

  • Anaesthesia
  • Acute pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Cancer pain
  • Anaesthesia for upper GI surgery
  • Anaesthesia for endocrine surgery
  • Phaeochromocytoma