Professional background

Dr Selwyn Dexter has held a diploma in medical acupuncture since 1995.

He led acupuncture clinics for 22 years within NHS institutions. He has spent 14 years at a migraine and headache clinic linked to St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London and eight years in a general pain clinic at the Royal Free Hospital, London.

From 1998 until 2014, Dr Dexter held quarterly meetings for the North London Acupuncture Group, a local teaching and learning group of the British Medical Acupuncture society. Dr Dexter has also written medical papers on migraine and related topics. One of his papers has been the basis for the production of a new device to prevent migraine (Rebreathing Aborts Migraine Attacks- see publications)

Research interests

Migraine and other recurrent headache

Acupuncture and fertility- assisting conception

Dr Dexter has a special interest in using acupuncture to improve tear flow in keratoconus, a corneal inflammatory eye condition. (He presented at a symposium to the Royal College of Physicians in 2007-see publications)

Languages spoken



Dexter SL,  Benign Coital Headache relieved by partner’s pregnancies with implications for treatment. BMJ Case Reports 2010; doi: 10.113

Dexter SL, Acupuncture in the treatment of keratoconus Reference: Conference Proceedings (p29) – CMIR Integrated Medicine Conference, Royal College of Physicians, London 17.18 March 2007

Dexter SL, Rebreathing Aborts Migraine Attacks Br Med J (Clin-RES) 1982 Jan 30 Vol 284 (6312) ISSN 0267-0623 IMPORTANT PAPER – (this paper has new significance in 2006 – see research interests)

Blau JN, Dexter SL, Hyperventilation during Migraine Attacks Br Med J 1980 May 24 Vol 280 (6226) P1254 ISSN 0007-1447

Dexter SL,Thirty two cases of coital headache. Presented at the Meeting of the 2nd International Headache Symposium in Copenhagen 1985 and published in its proceedings

Dexter SL, Zimeldine induced neuropathies. Hum-Toxicol 1984 Apr Vol 3 (2) P141-3 ISSN 0144-5952