Professional background

Professor Francesco Fraioli is an Associate Professor in Nuclear Medicine at UCL and Honorary Radiologist and Nuclear Medicine Physician at UCLH. His main interest is in thoracic imaging including lung cancer and Interstitial lung disease. As a combined radiologists and nuclear medicine physician he has developed a unique expertise in combined hybrid imaging of MRI/PET and CT/PET in lung, including several new imaging biomarkers such as perfusion CT, perfusion MR, functional MR and dynamic PET studies with standard and experimental tracers. The main research interest of Professor Fraioli is the application of in vivo imaging to track and monitor several pathological lung disorders. At UCL and UCLH, he is leading the lung imaging research with several ongoing personal studies and multiple collaborations within the campus and with industries.

Research interests

Lung and Brain

Languages spoken



More than 150 papers in high impact factor journals. Full list can be found on my UCL webpage: